The Folck Family Story
The All American Dream Come True
How many of us have had an idea and let that idea die in our mind? I know I have had a lot of ideas go and not pursued them. How good were those ideas? Well guess we will never really know. But one idea that has played a role in the modern quarter horse is the All-American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio. "The Congress" has become the a single breed show and exposition in the world and annually has over 650.000 visitors each year. These Congress participants attend the famous quarter horse show, clinics, seminars, horse sales, stallion avenue and trade show.
When Blair and wife Nancy Folck established their own place across the road from the family farm, horses began to become a bigger part of their life. The horses became so important that he used the money from the dispersal of his Jersey cattle to build а в barn. Here is how Blair explained their love and how their affection for the quarter horse blossomed into the new family business. “I had a saddle horse that we were showing around here. Our daughter, Micki, was growing up and getting big enough to ride, so we went to see Dale Wilkinson ride a cutting horse with no bridle. He rode that horse all around the place with no bridle. And that showed me that these quarter horses are going to have more sense in a minute than the pony would have all day and Micki wanted a pony. But felt the quarter horse would be better to ride. So we decided to buy a quarter horse for her to ride and then have babies.